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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Kids do The Darndest Things!!!

For almost two weeks now, Callahan has been such a funny boy. Both the boys are definitely showing me their personalities and they couldn't be farther from each other. Jack is my sweet, shy boy and Callahan is my crazy daredevil fly off swing and roll off chair boy! Callahan is rough and tough. Jack gentle as can be. Are they from the same parents???? "Mr. Funny Boy" has had his tongue out for 2weeks like a dog. He sits with it out, he's in the car with it out, he is playing while its out....I'm wondering if this is permanent!!!

Here he is again-tongue hanging out like a dog! He plays with it ALL DAY LONG!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute...ans sweet have they have their own little personalities...
